Everything You Need To Know about Internet of Things (IOT) and Its Applications

The Internet of Things is growing in popularity, and whether you know it or not, it most likely already impacts your life in one way or another.

But what is this Internet Of Things (IOT)? In simple terms, the Internet of Things is a network of interlinked devices such as machines, vehicles, appliances, or anything that can collect and display data, as well as share it, without human intervention.

The Internet of Things allows for the connection of any device, object, machine, or sensor to the internet and other devices. It allows for the consumption, generation, and exchange of information with minimal interaction from people. The information is then processed, analyzed, and drilled down to make many tasks easier to perform.

According to, IOT application development is a growing field, despite the security and privacy concerns generated by the technology. Furthermore, it is incredibly useful for the consumer, commercial, military, infrastructure, and industrial purposes.

There are many IoT-enabled devices around us such as laptops, smartphones, refrigerators, tea/coffee vending machines, Apple watches, Google Home, to name a few.

Applications of the Internet of Things (IOT)

Smart homes

IoT application development for smart homes easily outshines several other uses of IOT technology with more consumers looking for smart homes. A whopping 256 companies and start-ups are part of the IOT Analytics database of companies.

“Home is where the heart is,” and IOT technology offers a combination of convenience and security to ensure that your dwelling is a home in your heart. Smart homes control lighting, room temperature, hues, media, and security systems even when you’re away. In addition, home automation helps to conserve energy.


IOT application development in healthcare and pharma bridges the gap between resources and available services through data collection, analysis, and monitoring. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, the implementation of EBR management provides error reduction, a simplified ability to trace actions, and simultaneous production of documentation. And the devices that help in monitoring and emergency notification of health status are popular in healthcare IOT application development. Such platforms are usually worn by patients and monitor blood pressure, heart rate, implants, and other vitals.

Moreover, smart beds are able to create suitable pressures and support conditions for the patient and monitor any attempts to get up without a nurse needing to maintain constant watch. Geriatric care is also greatly improved through IOT technology.

Smart cities

IOT application development for the purpose of smart cities is aimed at relieving city dwellers of problems in the areas of the management of traffic, waste, distribution of water, security, and promotion of environmental protection. Devices and solutions in this regard attempt to alleviate congestion problems and pollution and improve safety. 


IOT application development in farming is gaining popularity due to the increasing human population and the need to meet rising consumer demands. Farmers can monitor a wide range of parameters, such as temperature, soil content, rainfall, humidity, nutrient content, pest infestation, and wind speed.

Farming methods can be automated to eliminate risks, bring down the effort required, and improve crop quantity and quality, thereby resulting in harvests that meet consumer demands.

Smart cars

IOT application development for cars includes software, sensors, technology, and antennas that enhance the user experience. Such cars are reliable, accurate, and consistent, and are capable of monitoring their own operations and maintenance while ensuring passengers enjoy a comfortable experience.

Automated cars that require no human driver are also testing the limits of human-vehicle interactions. IOT solutions may even lead to the popularity of “self-driven cars” in the future.     

Despite its growing popularity, there are growing discussions around IoT technology’s risks to privacy. Several solutions are still in the nascent stages, but the future Advantages of IOT solutions looks promising.  


The manufacturing sector has wide applications of IOT. From internal processes control to material dispatch and delivery tracking using RFID and GPS technology, everything has IOT involved in one or another way. Machines components’ individual performance can also be tracked by predicting the condition of the parts such as bearings and thereby preventing major breakdowns.


The insurance sector is also making use of IOT by offering various details and discounts to customers related to their policies on devices such as Fitbit. They track the fitness data of their customers and analyze it to offer products and discounts accordingly, which in the longer run, would benefit both, the insurer as well as the customer.


Every year, people heard about and see self-driving cars at Auto Expo. This is made possible by IOT. Logistics companies utilize GPS to ensure faster and timely delivery of shipments and to track the location of consignments. GPS is widely used by people and traffic managers also in checking the traffic congestion in an area.

Power Utilities

Various sensors interconnected through IOT can be installed to monitor and assess environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. to manage the energy usage pattern of a locality and lead to significant energy savings in the long run. Indirectly, it helps to run power grids more efficiently by reducing the peak load and eliminating power outages.

IOT Future In India

The above-mentioned applications of IOT are not limited to the mentioned areas or industries. The developed countries already excelled in the IOT applications and India has just started. So, ahead of us lie many challenges before we also do excel in the unprecedented control and efficiency that IoT offers.