Almost everyday everyone is dealing with PDF documents either in the form of certain reports or manuals. But, due to several reasons a user can’t copy data from PDF.
There are mainly two reasons behind it. One is that the content in PDF document is not the actual text, it is a scanned page containing bit-mapped images, not text. In such situations users cannot copy a secured PDF or unable to perform the certain task. Also, another main reason behind this is the security restrictions applied to PDF.
For various privacy concerns, people add security so that other people could not copy data from PDF files. But, sometimes it is needed to copy data from secured PDF as we have described in the user query in the next section. Hence, to know how to unlock PDF to copy text once should read and follow the complete steps described in the blog.
User Query:
“Yesterday, I got a mail from the manager containing reports & I was asked to make some corrections it. This report contains sales data in a tabular format and I was trying to copy data from PDF report but, it does not provide me respective permissions. Does anyone know the solution to unlock PDF to copy text? Please suggest any.”
Solution#1 Take Snapshots and Copy Data from Secured PDF File
- First, browse an open the protected PDF file in Adobe Reader
- Navigate towards Tools menu in Adobe Reader 8 or 9 or Edit menu in Adobe Reader X
- After that Select & Zoom>> Snapshot Tool in Adobe Reader 8 or 9. else go to ‘Take a Snapshot’ in Adobe Reader X
- Hover over the text to copy data from locked PDF
- After that use the translucent ‘+’ icon and select the data that needs to be copied
- Then, drag the mouse to select a text area
- Release the mouse to take a snapshot of the PDF content
- Open a Word document file to copy data from PDF file
- Press Ctrl+V keys to paste the content in DOC file
- Repeat the steps for rest of the PDF content and save the Word file
Limitations of Manual Method
By using the above-described steps a user can copy data from secured PDF document but, it has some limitations i.e.
- This approach is lengthy and time-consuming
- Complex steps to be followed
- Requires good technical knowledge
Professional Method to Unlock PDF to Copy Text
SysTools PDF Unlocker Tool is a reliable application which allows users to remove security protection from PDF files. It is the one of the best utility to remove owner level security from PDF documents without any data loss. All security protection like a copy, edit, print, extract, comment, sign are removed by the tool in just a few seconds. In order to copy data from locked PDF, this application software does not require the installation of Adobe Acrobat. Also, another great feature of this utility is that it can also remove user level password from PDF files, but it is necessary to enter the password when a user is asked for. Once the password is supplied, the resultant document is free from any password security.
Know How Tool Unlock PDF to Copy Text
Follow these simple steps and copy data from secured PDF file:
- Run the application software by SysTools and click Unlock button
- Then, click the “Browse” option to select the secured PDF
- View Restrictions associated with PDF file & select destination folder
- After, clicking the Unlock PDF button view permission status in Before & After column
To know how to unlock PDF to copy text we have described two methods in this post. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. But, with the snapshot feature, a user can copy PDF text but, the approach is lengthy and complex. Therefore, a user should use professional utility when he/she wants to copy data from secured PDF files.