beer boxes

The Latest Innovations in Brewing and Beer Technology

Brewing beer dates all the way back to the ancient civilizations in China and Egypt. Since then, it has become a standard procedure for cultures across the globe, and people can’t imagine a life without it. While some principles and aspects have continued to this day, new technologies have also been developed to advance the industry. In fact, the beer industry now sits among the most tech-fueled sectors thanks to its multiple innovations. 

The brewing industry has undergone lots of development to streamline the process and optimize beer’s flavor. As a result, brewers should implement these new technologies, making the most of them in their production processes. This process goes all the way from brewing to the beer boxes. Discover more below. 

Meura Technologies 

Meura is an establishment specializing in the design and manufacturing of brewing equipment, including state-of-the-art technology. As a result, the company is a global leader in its field and is located in Belgium. They’re best known for providing top technology for grain extraction, distillation, and brewing. 

In fact, the technology of Meura is being used by other breweries, such as Modist Brewing Co. in Minneapolis. Modists used the Micro-2001 Hybrid mash filter from Meura in their brewing operations. This piece of equipment extracts liquid wort from grains via pneumatics, using 45 different chambers. Consequently, the equipment is somewhat of a rarity, due to the high upfront cost; however, it can be found in breweries globally. 

Wonderware MES

There’s a Colorado-based brewing company called New Belgium that is making it its mission to optimize the sustainability of its practices. Due to their high environmental and social performance standards, they’re known as a certified B corporation. This certification was achieved via the implementation of the Wonderware manufacturing execution system (MES).

This system enables the tracking and recording of details about New Belgium’s bottling operations. In fact, the software was responsible for drawing attention to potential areas of concern and harnessing this data. For instance, the establishment was once producing 150,000 cases of beer weekly, but a handful of adjustments detected by the software allowed them to almost double this production rate. 

Smart Flights

A beer flight is a paddle with multiple dips in the wood in which glasses of beer can be placed. These beer flights allow individuals to taste various types of beers in one go, including porters, stouts, IPAs, and lagers. Various beer companies have taken advantage of this invention, including FliteBrite, an Iowa-based company. FliteBright is known for its TasteTracker, beer festival app, a handful of products, and electronic flight paddles. These electronic flight paddles have a liquid-resistant touchscreen, allowing users to order their chosen beers and share their opinions on social media. 

Self-Pour Systems

A bar full of thirsty customers and one bartender doesn’t add up, which is where self-pour systems come in. PourMyBeer was created by Josh Goodman to enable barflies to fill up their own drinks. The system works by the customer adding credit to a card, they then place this card on the pump and pour their drink and the amount they pour will be deducted from their credits. 

NexDraft and BrewVo

Last but not least are two technologies that have facilitated the production and distribution of beer at one-sixth the standard weight and volume, as well as eliminated the need for traditional kegs. These have been developed by Sustainable Beer Technologies (SBT), which is a brewing tech company in Colorado. The final result of their technologies is expertly crafted beer with a classic taste and aroma. 

These technologies are the future of beer brewing.