miracle movers

Moving to a New Town Checklist

Deciding to move is a decision that is not taken lightly by most people. Having to consider the work opportunities, family ties and a number of other factors make moving to a new place a real logistical undertaking. Particularly if you’re moving somewhere far away from your current home.

That’s why we reached out to Canada’s premier moving company, Miracle Movers to pick up tips on how to best handle the move to a new city, both in the planning stages, as well as during and after the actual move.

Look into Your New Neighborhood and Town

Before you go anywhere, and before you actually commit to moving to a new location, it is always a good idea to do some basic research about the new town or city you are interested in moving. Comparing the new place to your current home is always a good baseline. How different are the prices? Are the wages enough to sustain yourself there?

Get to know the basic layout of the city, find out where all of the relevant institutions are, such as the post offices, hospitals, shopping areas, etc. It will make the transition much smoother once you actually move there. With modern technologies, there is an abundance of accurate information on reputable websites, so that should not be a problem.

Factor the Move into Your Budget

Whether you like it or not, moving can be pretty expensive – especially long distance moves. Not only do you need to take time off work for that, you also have to pay for a moving company to relocate you. Alternatively, you can move yourself, but in that case, you need to hire a moving van or truck, as well as pay for the fuel.

A good rule of thumb is to plan your budget and then add about 10-20% more. Unexpected expenses are possible, so it’s better to be prepared. If you end up not needing the extra cash for the move, you’ve got a nice little sum to splurge on yourself or your family in your new home.

Use Common Sense when Packing and Unpacking

Packing and unpacking is probably the most stressful part of the move. However, if you approach it with a bit of common sense and care, you can greatly simplify the task. The best way to pack is room-based. Group things according to the rooms they will end up in.

This way, your unpacking process will be simplified and you can spend less time unpacking and more time decorating your new house, making it a home.

Take a Day to Explore the City

Now that you’ve unpacked, it is time to actually experience the new city. All of the places you’ve researched well before the move are now within your reach.

Take a full day to explore your new town with the family. Visit a local park or a tourist attraction, drive around your neighborhood to get the feeling of scale and traffic conditions. There’s no real substitute to actually physically experiencing the new city.

Get Your Life Back on Track

Now that the hectic move is behind you, it is time to actually settle in and organize your life the way it suits you the most. Finding suitable grocery stores, restaurants and cafes that you will like in your neighborhood is a great start.

You are on the right track to stop being a newcomer to the city and becoming a local and a resident. The quicker you can adapt, the quicker your life can return to normal in a new home in a new city.