Drunk Driver Hits

What are the Steps to Take If A Drunk Driver Hits You?

Drunk driving is the cause of a record number of road accidents each year. The resultant injuries are often more severe than accidents that occur due to other circumstances. Experienced attorneys like those associated with Alvine Weidenaar, LLP, capably safeguard your legal rights while you undergo medical treatment.

Driving when drunk prevents the driver from remaining vigilant while behind the wheel. A high quantity of alcohol consumption increases drowsiness, reduces attention and coordination skills. Besides, it also makes comprehending a simple situation more difficult, slows reflexes and eye function.

Recommended Steps

The immediate steps you take on being hit by a drunk driver take you closer to obtaining a deserving compensation. After all, you need to recover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages you sustain because of the collision.

Professional legal practitioners who regularly handle personal injury cases suggest you stick to the listed steps in such an eventuality:

Contact Emergency Services

Promptly calling 911 gives you immediate access to medical responders and police officers who act accordingly after assessing the situation. Involving the police guarantees detailed documentation of the crash resulting from the other driver’s negligence. Once filed, request a copy of the police report for your reference.

Ensure you give the officers present your detailed statement so they can administer DUI tests on the accused to confirm the latter’s drunken state. The authorities also obtain the drunk driver’s name, contact, and insurance details. These inputs are critical to filing an insurance claim and, if needed, even in a civil lawsuit.

Irrespective of how you feel after the crash, you deserve a complete medical evaluation. Only a qualified team can correctly diagnose and treat your condition before it worsens, as all injuries are not visibly apparent. A medical expert documenting your injuries also facilitates your subsequent settlement.

Collect Evidence of the Crash

The individual accompanying you and in a relatively better physical condition can take pictures of the vehicles involved and crash scene recordings. Getting a clear image of the make and registration number of the drunk driver’s car is particularly useful for filing your injury claim.

Making a note of names and contact details of witnesses present also comes in handy later. Attempt to remain calm and not agitate the accused driver as their cooperation is necessary to proceed. Leave it to the police authorities to collect the culprit’s insurance card and driver’s license.

Hire a Legal Representative of Repute

Contacting a legal team specializing in personal injury claims like Alvine Weidenaar, LLP, gives you access to professional advice. It strengthens your chances of obtaining fair compensation for all the trauma you undergo because of the crash.

Your attorney conducts a thorough investigation to establish the other driver’s fault for causing the wreck due to intoxication. It can get overwhelming to tackle legal formalities when battling physical, mental, and financial setbacks.

Having a seasoned legal aid for support familiar with the prevailing road accident laws and legal procedures gives you an edge.

Improve your chances of receiving a rewarding settlement fairly smoothly by working with a qualified legal team from start to finish.