Social Media Traffic

Ways to Boost the Current Social Media Traffic to Your Site

Building the current social media traffic seems to be a lot like city planner, where you have to know how efficient the traffic in and out of city will be. If each one of the roadway into city is different source of the website visitors, then the social media traffic needs to be a pillar to highway infrastructure. Getting people right to website through the social media engagement can prove to be tricky, mainly if you are right on limited budget and already attempting paid advertising. While the paid social can help in boosting website traffic, how can you get people to go and visit your social channels?

As you all know that social media has proper ability to be major traffic source to the site. The larger you get to build the presence on social media, the more you get to rely on steady form of social media traffic to the site.

Ways to increase social media traffic:

Increasing the current social media traffic happens whenever you are engaging and then building relationships on each one of the network. Being always and readily available for the brand loyalists, customers and potential buyers are your one way ticket to just help nurture people through the current purchasing practice.

  • Always remember that each one of the social network is different. But for gaining that immediate boost in social traffic, there are some of the steadfast rules to follow for all the social channels.
  • Always remember that content says everything noted about your brand. So, always be sure that the blog posts, infographic or even the case studies will go above and beyond just for making the social sharing aspect a greater option now.

Just to get the social media traffic rolling, there are some steps which will get people towards your social channels and mainly to your website, as that’s the main goal here.

Get to inspire audience with the visuals:

The first impressions over here are always essential to engage more Instagram followers towards your side. You don’t just say, not to judge a book by its cover, but there are so much more than that. Even the visuals might work out to help you make some of the decisions. Moreover, as per the 2013 index from Adobe Q4, social media posts with the proficient images can create around 650% more engagement when compared to ordinary posts.

  • People looking for visual content for ensuring that they have made the right purchasing decisions, are still valid. Whenever customers are able to view any product demo or video, chances are high that around 85% more of them will end up making a buying decision when compared to reading any text review.
  • On the social media, you might  use multiple visuals for driving traffic to website. One of the major avenues for the visuals continue to be right on IG. With over 80 million videos and photos shared on daily basis, there is a lot of competition to deal with.
  • But, on the other hand, whenever you are able to create some engaging and beautiful content on IG, businesses can turn to work out a bit differently. As per the IG based data, brands get to see the highest form of engagement on IG whenever compared to any other social networks.
  • Around 3/4th of the IG comments are made within the second day of the post. It can help in showing high impact on the brand’s IG strategies well.
  • You can further provide some awesome visuals which will not just stand out, but will speak volumes about your product, company and even the story.
  • Some of the best visuals as on social media will include well-designed and vibrant colored layouts, high level of photography, visuals ready to tell some stories, visuals which are designed to showcase services or products in new light and even consistently on point and properly planned.

Always make the content easily shareable:

Every business owner or marketer by now will know the importance of tuning their business mobile friendly. As per the data collected from ComScore in 2019, around 65% of the time people spent on social media were through mobile device. Around 40% of the news content was read on mobile devices when compared to the desktop.

  • You should know that living in this mobile age means that the content needs to be easy to read and also quite simple to share. There are some share buttons available on mobile devices, which are critical in driving some social media traffic. Some pros have further explained that the harder it is for audience to share content, the less likely they will share it further.
  • You can also get the readers to share content by using some of the social media plugin. There are so many of them available, which can always help in spreading content through social media in an easier manner. One of the biggest avenues is using the option “click to tweet,” which can always allow readers to just highlight some parts of content for sharing on social without just leaving that page.
  • Moreover, you need to work out in including social media buttons, stated to be mobile friendly in nature and will not distract readers while just scrolling through the page. According to some experts in this regard, most of the readers only make it halfway down the page, which means you might have to optimize the area where you plan to place the social media buttons.
  • If you want, you can use some of the free heat map plugins like SumoMe or even WordPress for checking on where people are actually clicking the most on blog content. Once you get a good idea of an area with higher click volume, you can always add social share buttons for increasing traffic immediately.

These points are important and simple to follow for boosting the present social media traffic towards your official business site. The more you research, the better points you will come up with.